Tim BarkerComment


Tim BarkerComment

Ephesians 5:19, NLT, says: "singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, and making music to the Lord in your hearts."

Why do you sing? I’m not talking about in front of a crowd, so perhaps I should ask, “what makes you sing?”  Martin Luther said, “When I can’t pray, I sing.” I love that! As you know music & singing is my love-language.  When I don’t find adequate words to express myself, I can often find it in the lyrics of a song.

I love awaking to the sound of chirping birds outside my window on those rare occasions.  But, scientists say that birds sing to make their presence known; they don’t sing simply for the joy of it, but instead to signal other birds to stay away from their partner or territory.  It’s believed that each species has their own song that distinguishes it from others.

What’s your song?  Whatever it is, use it to bring glory to the Lord and to communicate to Him!