Tim BarkerComment

What a Deal?

Tim BarkerComment
What a Deal?

A recent advertisement read, “Free for first 30 days.  It’s easy.  Just try it.  After 30 days you will be billed $34.95 per month unless you cancel your order.  Offer valid for 24 hours.”  I wonder how many actually fall for stuff like this?  The product obviously isn’t free!  There’s a cost after the first 30 days. 

But, have I got a deal for you – GOD’S GRACE IS FREELY GIVEN TO ALL WHO PLACE THEIR FAITH IN HIM!  For all time!  Without God, we cannot earn – nor do we deserve – a reprieve from our sin penalty.  When we accept His gift, we are freed from punishment and enjoy sweet fellowship with God for all eternity.  His mercy has no “fine print” and it’s a deal we cannot afford to refuse, because there’s nothing than can compare to it.

Romans 5:20 says, “the law was brought in so that the trespass might increase.  But where sin increased, grace increased all the more.”