Tim BarkerComment


Tim BarkerComment

We often sing, “We bow down and worship Him now, How great, how awesome is He.”

This is more than lyrics to a chorus, but it’s a character trait which expresses humility.  It implies that we come powerless and let go of our own aspirations.  There’s no more significant act of humility than to empty yourself and give totally allegiance to another.  And, no one is more worthy than our awesome Lord, the Creator of all the Universe.  He is our Savior, Author and the Finisher of our Faith.  When Jesus left His throne for us – He sacrificed all power – for death on the cross.

We honor our God by embracing gratitude for him who, in his holiness, held mankind responsible for sin, while providing a way to forgiveness.  Our Almighty God is capable of awesome grace and power!  So, when we sing, HOLY IS THE LORD, we express as the Psalmist, “Father, I humbly repent of not always giving you the respect you so rightfully deserve.”  (Psalm 68:32-35).