Tim BarkerComment

The God of the Second Chance

Tim BarkerComment
The God of the Second Chance

‘You never get a second chance at a first impression,’ goes the saying, but social media profiles, online communities and virtual gaming provide, for some, an opportunity to seek a second chance in life.

‘Second Life’ is a virtual world. Over twenty million people have created a Second Life character, through which they can live in this new world. They are looking for another chance in life.

‘Second Life’ describes itself as a place ‘to connect… to change yourself, to change your mind, change your look… to be different’.

This virtual world is clear evidence of the longing of so many for a fresh start. Yet, in reality, God is the God of the second chance and third and many, many more. He gives us countless chances to turn back to him and enjoy his love again. God doesn’t just give us a ‘second life’ – he comes to us and transforms our real life.

Make a fresh start - Psalm 85:1-7

Like so many of us, the psalmist wants an opportunity to make a fresh start in life. He cries out to God, ‘help us make a fresh start’ (v.6, MSG).

God is not wishy-washy. He hates sin. There is such a thing as righteous anger (v.5). It is one side of God’s love. But the psalmist knows that this righteous anger is not contrary to God’s unfailing love, and in this psalm, we see both side by side.

God forgives: ‘You lifted the cloud of guilt from your people, you put their sins far out of sight… you cooled your hot, righteous anger’ (v.2–3, MSG).

When you turn back to God he restores and revives you through his ‘unfailing love’ (v.7). The psalmist prays, ‘Restore us again… Will you not revive us again’ (v.4,6).