Tim BarkerComment

Understand the nature of evil

Tim BarkerComment
Understand the nature of evil

Psalm 78:32-39

God wants us to learn from our mistakes and not to keep on repeating the same sins over and over again. The history of the people of God is that, ‘in spite of’ all that God did for them, ‘they kept on sinning’ (v.32a).

God, in his love for us, respects our freedom. Although he has the power to overrule our freedom, he does not. He acted supernaturally on behalf of his people. Yet, ‘In spite of his wonders, they did not believe’ (v.32b).

He disciplined them and they would return to him (v.34). ‘But they didn’t mean a word of it; they lied through their teeth the whole time. They could not have cared less about him’ (v.36–37, MSG). Yet over and over again he was full of compassion and mercy, forgave ‘their iniquities and did not destroy them’ (v.38).

Why does evil seem to prevail so often in spite of God’s power? Perhaps this passage gives us part of the answer. It is not simply an encounter between the supernatural power of God and the supernatural power of evil. Human beings and human freedom are part of the equation. As the apostle James writes, ‘Each of you is tempted when, by your own evil desire, you are dragged away and enticed’ (James 1:14).

As you read of God’s power in this psalm, remember that, through the Holy Spirit, that power now lives in you.