Tim BarkerComment

Expect opposition

Tim BarkerComment
Expect opposition

Psalm 9:1-6

Acceleration may lead to increased opposition. The higher the profile you have, the more criticism you can expect. God’s people have always faced opposition. David faced many ‘enemies’ (Psalm 9:3–6). Opposition and enmity is extremely painful and difficult. However, in Christ you are promised that ultimately you will overcome.

We see a foretaste of this in the psalm for today. David praises God for the victory: ‘I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. My enemies turn back…’ (v.1–3).

We still live in a hostile world. Jesus warned, ‘Don’t think I’ve come to make life cosy’ (Matthew 10:34, MSG). Jesus is saying, ‘Don’t be surprised by opposition.’

Be peacemakers (5:9,38–48). You are called to break the cycle of retaliation. Nevertheless, opposition may come even from those who are very close to you (10:34–36).

Millions of followers of Jesus around the world are facing physical persecution today simply because of what they believe. Some face opposition, repression and discrimination from governments at a local or national level.

You may not face opposition like this in your life, but you should expect some opposition – whether from the media, friends and family who do not understand your faith, or work colleagues who disagree with what you stand for.