Tim BarkerComment

God’s loving boundaries

Tim BarkerComment
God’s loving boundaries

Proverbs 7:1-5

God does not invite us to follow his laws; he commands. But these are not the commandments of a dictator, they are the commands of a loving Father, designed to ensure justice, peace and fullness of life.

The writer of Proverbs is like a parent encouraging their children and passing on God’s commands to them. He urges his children: ‘Store up my commands within you’ (v.1); ‘Keep my commands and you will live’ (v.2a); ‘Keep my law... as the apple (the pupil) of your eye’ (v.2b, AMP); ‘Write them on the tablet of your heart’ (v.3b). This is what the Holy Spirit does. He writes God’s laws on your heart and gives you the ability to keep them (Jeremiah 31:33–34).

God’s commands bring ‘wisdom’ – and wisdom should be our ‘intimate friend’ (Proverbs 7:4, AMP). They bring ‘insight’ (v.4), and they keep us out of trouble (v.5).