Determine to stay on God’s tracks

Determine to stay on God’s tracks

Psalm 17:1-5

David says, ‘My steps have held closely to Your paths [to the tracks of the One Who has gone on before]’ (v.5a, AMP). The Hebrew word for paths literally means ‘wheel-tracks’. David is absolutely determined to stay on God’s tracks. In order to stay on God’s tracks, you need to watch:

  1. Your heart (what you think about)
    ‘Though you probe my heart, though you examine me at night and test me, you will find that I have planned no evil’ (v.3a).

  2. Your words (what you say)
    ‘I have resolved that my mouth will not sin’ (v.3c).

  3. Your feet (the places that you go)
    My feet have not slipped’ (v.5b).

Lord, help me to stay on your tracks. May my feet not slip. Help me to guard my thoughts day and night. Help me not to sin against you through anything I say or do.