Tim BarkerComment

New Years Check List

Tim BarkerComment
New Years Check List

I would love to share these 5 key points that I am decided to pursue in the new year.

Stop worrying and start living: Jesus commands you not to worry about your life or material things (6:25,28–31). Think ahead, plan ahead, but don’t worry ahead. Trust in your Heavenly Father to provide (v.26). He knows your every need (v.32). Faith is the antidote to worry. You cannot add a single hour to your life by worrying (v.27). As Corrie ten Boom put it: ‘Worry does not empty tomorrow of sorrow, but it empties today of strength.’Live in day-tight compartments. Live one day at a time. Don’t borrow trouble from tomorrow: ‘each day has enough trouble of its own’ (v.34b). Make a decision today not to worry about tomorrow. Trust God to provide for you one day at a time.

Sort out your priorities: Jesus tells you to change your ambitions and priorities. Seek God for who he is and not for what he can do for you. Like us, God does not want his friends only to be interested in what they can get out of him. He wants you to seek his ‘presence’ not just his ‘presents’.Take on a new set of responsibilities that are both exciting and challenging: ‘seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be yours as well’ (v.33).

Do not be judgmental: We are not to take pleasure in judging others, not to enjoy seeking out other people’s failings, or presuming their actions spring from bad motives. If we knew what people had been through, their sorrow, and their suffering, we would not be so quick to judge. Jesus tells us to get our own lives sorted out first. We are to change ourselves before we try and change other people (7:1–5). Rather than sowing harsh criticism and judgment, show mercy, kindness, and love.

Persist in prayer: Don’t be repetitious, but be persistent. Jesus makes wonderful promises of answered prayer (v.7–8). He promises ‘good gifts’ as you pray (v.9–11).

Choose to live a radical life: Stay on the narrow road that leads to life (v.13–14). On the narrow road, there is no room for pride, dishonesty, anger, hatred of enemies, or unforgiveness. Humility is the order of the day. You have to give, pray, exercise self-control, and seek first the kingdom of God. It is a road of purity, integrity, honesty, and forgiveness. It is a road where you are required to ‘do to others what you would have them do to you’ (v.12). You are to show good fruit – by your character, lifestyle, teaching, actions, impact, and relationships (v.15–23).