Tim BarkerComment

Ultimate Firework Show

Tim BarkerComment
Ultimate Firework Show

Matthew 24:44  (NIV) 44 So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.

Every year my kids and grandkids celebrate America’s Independence at our Hill Country Home, with all the American traditions, hamburgers, hotdogs, apple pie & home-made ice cream.  Lots of kid-friendly fireworks are included, as well as a spectacular show provided by our camp.  It’s amazing!

I often imagine the day when Jesus returns and the skies are illuminated with all of his glory!  As incredible as the show on July 4th is, it pales in comparison to that grand and glorious day of Christ’s return.  Jesus will triumphantly appear with great splendor to gather his bride, the Church.  Until then, let your fireworks remind that one day, there will be the ULTIMATE SHOW IN THE SKY!  Keep an eye on the horizon…and be ready.  It will be a wonderful show!