Tim BarkerComment

Family Bonds

Tim BarkerComment
Family Bonds

2 Corinthians 4:17  (NIV) For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

Recently my family experienced back to back losses, when my sister-in-law, Bobbie graduated to her eternal home, winning her battle over the terrible disease, Alzheimer’s.  A year later, my oldest brother, Joe went home.  He had expressed his weariness from the struggles of illness and loss of his wife of 63 years and longed to be home.  Our entire family was affected not only because of the losses, but because of the pain we saw our loved one’s experience.  We never doubted out family’s bond during these tough times, rather the connection was strengthened through our adversities.  Today, I value my family more than ever and cherish the times we have together, not taking them for granted. 

The family of God should respond to each other the same way.  Grief and hardships will come because no one is immune.  Christ Jesus, Himself even suffered, but He overcame.  That provides hope in difficult times of despair. 

Realize that trials and pain will come.  And when they do, we need each other like never before.  We can provide hope as a part of the family.  I’m grateful for my biological family and for my family in Christ because God is at the head – our protector and provider.  He sustains us through our momentary afflictions and difficulties.