Tim BarkerComment

Like A Rock

Tim BarkerComment
Like A Rock

Now when Jesus looked at him, He said, “You are Simon the son of Jonah.  You shall be called Cephas” (which is translated, A Stone). 

John 1:42

Dependability, in my opinion, is the most important characteristic for a team’s success.  It’s important for the team to know who they can depend on and who isn’t a team player.  Here’s a few ideas to consider:

1. Pure motives: If someone on the team places their agenda and themselves above what’s best for the team, you might not label them as dependable.  When it comes to teamwork, motives do matter.

2. Responsibility: It’s motivation that addresses why people are dependable, but it’s responsibility that they are dependable.

3. Sound thinking: Dependability means more than just wanting to take responsibility. Desire must also be coupled with good judgment to be a real value to the team.

4. Consistent contribution: If you can’t depend on teammates all the time, then you can’t really depend on them any of the time.  Consistency takes a depth of character that enables people to follow through no matter how tired, distracted, or overwhelmed they are.