Tim BarkerComment

Say What?

Tim BarkerComment
Say What?

God is a silent witness to each and every conversation we have.  Every word we speak, even if it’s in jest, anger, love, or greed, He hears.  Words that we speak that are uplifting to our family and friends, and those that are not, He hears.  He hears words that bless, and He hears those that curse.

The example God provides for us in dealing with His children should be our guide.  For example, He speaks with us, not to us.  He speaks lovingly to us, realizing we are weak.  He never talks down to us or trans us according to our worst behavior.  Even in his correction, our heavenly Father builds us up.

The Bible gives us a clear picture of the power of words as well.  Psalms cheer us up; Proverbs gives us wisdom; Romans points to repentance; Philippians exhorts; and Jude gently rebukes.

I’m not sure what books or verses speak the most to you?  Just remember, He is speaking and He is listening!  So, my prayer is…” Lord, let me express myself in words that bless you and bless others.

Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.